Linear Temporal Logic Applied to Component-Based Software Architectural Models Specified Through ρ-arq Calculus
Linear Temporal Logic Applied to Component-Based Software Architectural Models Specified Through ρ-arq Calculus (Versión 1.1)
Subido por Arquisoft Admin, 19/03/19 13:03Versión 1.1
This paper reports a mechanism to incorporate Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) for a component-based software architectural configuration specified by the ρ-arq calculus. This process was made through the translation of the system definition, structure and behavior, to Atomic Propositions Transition System (APTS), upon which, the verification of one property was performed using LTL. The PintArq software application was extended to support this mechanism. One example ilustrates the verification of responsiveness, a subtype of liveness property.Descargar (527k) Obtener la URL o la URL WebDAV.