Especificación formal de arquitecturas de software basadas en componentes Chequeo de corrección con cálculo ρ-arq
Especificación formal de arquitecturas de software basadas en componentes Chequeo de corrección con cálculo ρ-arq (Versión 1.5)

Versión 1.5
The ρ-arq calculus is a formal notation to specify structural and dynamic aspects of component-based software architectures. The underlying idea is to leave of an initial static configuration that is only susceptible of passing to a new configuration by means of the application of the operational semantics rules of the ρ arq − calculus. We propose a graphical notation that it gives more semantic reach to diagrams of components in UML 2.x. As a result, this notation allows to represent dynamic aspects in a consistent way with other modeling proposals of component-based software in distributed systems.